October 19, 2024

Miles Slaven

Market Disruption

The 6 Management Styles and What They Mean for You

The 6 Management Styles and What They Mean for You


How you perceive your manager’s management style can affect your performance and morale.

The 6 Management Styles and What They Mean for You

1. Management by walking around

Management by walking around is a management style where a manager is present on the job, but not necessarily in an office. The manager can be seen as a friend and mentor, which can be beneficial for employees who don’t want to feel like they’re being watched all day long. This style of management works best when there are many remote workers or if your company has offices spread out across multiple locations. Management by walking around allows managers to check in with staff members remotely or even just pop into their offices without warning; however, this can also feel like an invasion of privacy if you prefer having privacy while working (especially if you have cubicles).

2. Management by fear

Management by fear is a style of management that relies on threats, intimidation and punishment to get results. This style of management is used by people who are insecure about their authority and feel the need to assert it through harsh treatment of others.

A manager using this style will often use aggressive communication techniques such as shouting or belittling staff members in front of others as well as private reprimands for not meeting expectations. The use of threats can also be effective at getting immediate results from employees but it creates an environment where there is little trust between managers and staff members because employees don’t know what will happen next if they fail to meet expectations again. The problem with this approach is that once the threat has been made it cannot be taken back or softened; therefore even if someone meets their goals later down the track they won’t feel comfortable speaking up about any issues they may have had during previous projects because they’re afraid they’ll receive another harsh reaction from their boss again

3. Management by numbers

In this management style, goals are clearly defined and measured. The manager will set out clear objectives and metrics to measure the performance of employees. This approach can be effective in environments where there are clear goals and objectives. It can also be an effective way to motivate employees by setting them up for success with measurable goals that they can achieve if they work hard enough at them.

The downside of this style is that it can lead managers into micromanaging their team members’ work by constantly monitoring their progress toward reaching the predetermined targets set by upper management or themselves. This may make things feel more stressful than necessary for those who work under this type of supervision because they don’t always have any autonomy over their job responsibilities or workloads; instead, everything depends on whether or not someone else decides whether something should get done now rather than later based on whatever criteria they’ve set out before hand (or just because “it needs done”).

4. Management by objectives

Management by objectives (MBO) is a management style that focuses on objectives and goals. It’s a goal-oriented, results-driven method of managing.

This approach involves setting objectives for teams and individuals, then measuring their performance against those objectives. It’s used to plan activities, allocate resources, monitor progress and evaluate performance against common standards of excellence.

5. Management by trumps

The management by trumps style is the least collaborative of all. Managers who use this style focus on results and will not concern themselves with how you achieve them. They are not interested in why something happened but rather what happened, as well as which departments or people were responsible for achieving those results. This style can be useful if you have an urgent need for immediate change or improvement, but otherwise it can lead to frustration among subordinates who feel like they aren’t being heard or taken seriously by their managers.

6. Laissez faire management

Laissez-faire management is a style in which employees are expected to be self-motivated, but may also be responsible for their own mistakes. This style of management allows for a high degree of autonomy on the part of employees and gives them the freedom to make decisions without much supervision or direction from managers.

It can be beneficial when you want your employees to take initiative and take ownership over projects or tasks that they’re working on. However, this style doesn’t work well if you need someone else’s help completing certain aspects of your job–in which case it might be better suited as an occasional tactic rather than a long-term strategy.

How you perceive your manager’s management style can affect your performance and morale.

A manager’s management style can affect your performance and morale. It can also affect the company’s performance and morale, as well as the team’s performance and morale. And finally, a manager’s management style contributes to creating company culture.


In conclusion, it’s important to know how your manager works and what kind of style they use. This will help you understand their expectations and better manage yourself at work.