February 16, 2025

Miles Slaven

Market Disruption

Ethical Sourcing: What do I need to know?

Ethical Sourcing: What do I need to know?


Have you ever wondered where your favorite product came from? Where it was made, and how the workers who made it were treated? For example, did you know that more than half of all apparel sold in the United States is manufactured overseas? It’s true! Most of these clothes come from countries like India, Bangladesh and Vietnam where labor laws are often overlooked. Ethical sourcing — which is important for businesses trying to sell products that are environmentally sustainable — also focuses on human rights issues in manufacturing countries. Ethical sourcing requires companies to be transparent about where their products come from and how they were made.

Ethical Sourcing: What do I need to know?

What is ethical sourcing?

Ethical sourcing is the practice of ensuring that the products you buy are produced in a way that is safe for workers and the environment. It involves a thorough assessment of the social, environmental and economic impact of your supply chain.

Ethical sourcing helps businesses to:

  • Reduce risk by understanding their suppliers’ risks and vulnerabilities
  • Minimize costs through improved procurement processes (e.g., better pricing)
  • Increase customer loyalty by providing transparency around ethical issues

Why does ethical sourcing matter?

Ethical sourcing is important because it impacts the lives of people around the world.

Ethical sourcing is also good for the environment.

Ethical sourcing helps improve your brand image and reputation, which can lead to increased sales and profitability.

What are the most significant risks of unethical sourcing?

  • Risk of consumer backlash. Consumers expect brands to be honest, fair, and ethical in their dealings with the world. When they find out that a brand is not doing this, it can lead to consumer backlash–and that’s never good for business.
  • Risk of being sued. If you’re using unethical labor practices or sourcing materials from countries where human rights violations are common (such as Burma), you could face legal action from people who were harmed by your actions or policies. This can result in expensive lawsuits and court rulings against your company if you don’t take steps to address these issues immediately.
  • Risk of losing brand reputation: A bad reputation will affect every aspect of your business operations–from sales numbers down through employee performance levels all the way down into supplier relationships with other companies who won’t want anything to do with someone who has a poor track record when it comes time for them too start working together again next year!

How can I ensure my products are ethically sourced?

You can ensure your products are ethically sourced by:

  • Making sure you have a supplier that has a good reputation. Ask for proof of compliance with ethical sourcing standards, and make sure they have a code of conduct in place.
  • Understand the risks of unethical sourcing, and how to mitigate them.

Achieving sustainable business practices requires more than just a good intention.

Ethical sourcing is a business practice that can be applied to any product or service. It’s not just about the product itself; it’s also about how you make the decision to sell that product, and it involves your company’s values, ethics, and reputation.

To achieve sustainable business practices requires more than just good intentions. Ethical sourcing requires continuous improvement over time–it’s not something you do once and then forget about it; rather, ethical sourcing should be an ongoing process of learning and improvement in which you continually strive to improve upon existing best practices while simultaneously exploring new opportunities for growth through innovation.


Shopping with a conscience is a great way to support ethical sourcing. By choosing products that are made with care and attention, you can help ensure that the people behind them have been treated fairly throughout their production process.